13 Irritating facts about Manipal
PC- Manipalworldnews.com Attendance- Most of us shall complete a pseudo-correspondence course in the college. The only thing that takes us to college is that 75% barrier! Buses- I used to…
PC- Manipalworldnews.com Attendance- Most of us shall complete a pseudo-correspondence course in the college. The only thing that takes us to college is that 75% barrier! Buses- I used to…
Learn playing an Instrument- You’d never get enough time for it ever in your life after college. Perfect Week- Drink/Party for straight 7 days, generally achieved in the penultimate semester.…
The Royal mech. brought a band to the college in some style this year; some went for a boat party and others the usual slogans around the campus. Everyone was…
I went for a few drinks with a fellow Manipalite yesterday. It was after ages that we were drinking like we did in college (25 days!). There were umpteen occasions…