The Royal mech. brought a band to the college in some style this year; some went for a boat party and others the usual slogans around the campus. Everyone was in awe of them. Let’s take a peak on how it was done by the 88 batch.

It was unusual for an Engineer to be, to write an exam, filled with excitement. Yet there they were, the two hundred and eighty students writing their last engineering exam- The batch of 1984-88 of Manipal Institute of Technology. The notorious knew something grand was about to happen, the mischief had been in planning for long and it was time to push the domino.
As soon as the exams got over, a group of twenty five parted from the joyous crowd. They went straight to the library; the juniors still had their exams left, so no one suspected them. Crackers worth Rs four thousand were planted. As soon as they went off, there was chaos; people running everywhere; the entire Library was ransacked.
As the culprits came out obscured by the crowd, it was time for phase two. There were buckets of Pattas (desi tharra of those times, worth Rs 18 a bottle) kept near the auto-stand (now OM-Xerox). They were consumed and in a secluded case, were used to drench the then Chief Warden. While this was going on near the academic buildings, the ones at KC (their SP then) had had itchy hands already. They broke into the girls’ hostel (two blocks, adjacent to Venugopal Temple). They all had some mild(s) fun with the fairer sex joining in as well.

It was a day of euphoria. Nothing justifies destroying university property, but on that day, you could see the ones who were never noticed the past four years; those who slogged throughout, in lieu of a social life. One could see their pressure oozing as well.
By the evening, the authorities had called the Police to get matters into control. The following days an inquiry was done. Twenty five students had been named and were called upon for questioning. In the end, the whole batch was refused the provisional certificate of graduation. College life is surreal, and the end should be a memorable one too. So what do you have planned for your last day?……
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*Note: Taken from memoirs of a 1988 pass out.
[…] It was unusual for an Engineer to be, to write an exam, filled with excitement. Yet there they were, the two hundred and eighty students writing their last engineering exam- The batch of 1984-88 of Manipal Institute of Technology. The notorious knew something grand was about to happen, the mischief had been in planning for long and it was time to push the domino……Read More […]
[…] Farewell of Satya Nadella’s Batch […]