- Learn playing an Instrument- You’d never get enough time for it ever in your life after college.
- Perfect Week- Drink/Party for straight 7 days, generally achieved in the penultimate semester.
- Night Out of hostel- to be done in first year. The thrill is priceless.
- Get into a relationship- people tell me it’s good (generally); nevertheless it’s an experience.
- Pull an all-nighter- and go straight for breakfast.
- Perform on stage- even if you suck, it doesn’t matter. Facing that many people is not only fun but also boosts your confidence, provided you don’t take it too seriously!
- Stalk- All the girls of that friend who is friends with that Delhi University chick. Usually done near exams in a group of about half a dozen.
- Explore music- There are so many people in college with different musical tastes and each has something unique to offer.
- Shows- watch a TV show 12 hrs. /day till it finishes (Prison Break!!!)
- Dance- Invent new awkward moves and do it very often.
- Day dream- For best results, try a day before exam. Dream about that company you want to open or the girl you wished could date or what would you do when exams get over.
- Fail- in an exam. Keeps you grounded and you can never be called an engineer if you haven’t flunked at least once.
- Travel- around with your buddies, it would probably be the best memoirs of your life.
- Maggi- Survive on it for weeks.
- Try everything once.Don’t care; be crazy!
- Appreciate- people and things. When college ends, you’d give utmost respect to very minute things like TV, time with parents and friends, cars etc.
- Friends- by the end you’d realise that those who have stayed shall stay forever so hold them tight.
seriously ??? Fail in an exam? wat about getting disqualified by some companies ?
If you are from Manipal, pass the make up. and otherwise too, not many companies ask for no backs!!
chal eh chal